This whole phase can be turned into a very profitable activity. There is no need to call or convince anyone to put something, then join the pyramid and finally get frustrated. Creativity is essential. There are also 0X0 tickets. ART NFT, you can sell at any time.
Do you already have an NFT stockpile in your wallet that doesn't make a profit?You've done everything right and you're a model NFT soldier. Now is the time to recruit NFT. Well, not to sell them, but to recruit them and enhance their value. Ask your community to buy high-resolution prints of the real NFT that you have. Imagine how you could increase the value of NFT if you only released 10 of these copies and they were all sold! Just imagine if those paintings change hands, and even then, you get commissions. Somewhere in Australia or Japan, a successful transaction between strangers can bring income directly into your wallet. How? Well, thanks to the sticker + blockchain + NFT can not be forged. We couldn't even recreate the second one. You can find out how they were created and why they can't be faked here.
So by scanning the QR code, you will get all the information about the picture: the number of copies, the number of owners, the date of release and sale, the NFT image and the price.Selling artwork would be so easy!Changing the owner will be as easy as transferring a few satoshis.

Your NFT will be officially valuable and validated by joining the blockchain!In the event of an accident, you can provide authentic and authentic information to insurance, police or anyone who needs it.Any digital artwork that is converted into a realistic painting will be fully protected.And the more expensive they are resold, the more profit you make.All control of the bonus will be yours.Or do you have other digital art?Cast it on the blockchain and use it in the same way.Remember, with a realistic picture; You are giving your NFT a meaning, more than it had before.
So when you buy NFT 0x0art, you get:
- Access to an artificial intelligence tool.You'll write a text, such as "the sun sets on the sea, I'm sorry" and you'll get a picture of how ai understands that.Don't like it?Keep trying until you want.This tool is constantly improving and we have a scientist in our team (link to VR LinkedIn).
- A free 50 × 38 painting with wooden frame and high-tech printing.See the website for a sample.Whether you choose a floating print or just high resolution, what you want to see in the picture is up to you.
- One free shipping to any country in the world. Would you like to give a picture to a loved one who lives abroad? The perfect gift. Remember, it will be a unique work or multiple copies – it's up to you.
- A three-dimensional sticker to prove the authenticity of the painting. When scanned, the entire story will be displayed.
- Each NFT sold by other buyers will generate passive income for you. So you also benefit from the success of others.

What's left to decide what to do next? Will you buy great NFT on OpenSea or draw them yourself using ai tools? The digital art business is created by others by turning it into a real, incredible quality painting that can hang. You don't even need to leave your home; confirm that you are the owner of digital art and continue. Maybe eBay? A community of discord? Find out where you're going to sell and we'll take care of printing and shipping.