According to Deputy Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov’s Twitter post on Thursday, $54 million was raised through a Ukrainian government-backed initiative for Ukraine:
“Every helmet, bulletproof vest and night vision device saves the lives of Ukrainian soldiers. So we have to continue to support our defenders. Thank you so much to everyone from the crypto community for supporting Ukraine!
According to Ukraine’s Digital Converter, Ukraine’s $54 million in support mostly came in the form of 10,190 Ether (ETH), worth $18.7 million, 595 Bitcoin (BTC), worth $13.9 million, Tether (USDT) worth $10.4 million, and USD Coin (USDC), worth $2.2 million.
Aid through jackets, viewfinders and UAVs
Cryptocurrency payments have been transferred to military equipment, hardware, and weapons, including $11.8 million worth of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which are often used to detect enemy troops and attack directly.
With $54 M raised by @_AidForUkraine, we've supplied our defenders with military equipment, armor clothes, medicines and even vehicles. Thanks to the crypto community for support since the start of the full-scale invasion! Donation by donation to the big victory. Report below.
— Mykhailo Fedorov (@FedorovMykhailo) August 17, 2022
A significant contribution was also spent on armor worth $6.9 million, along with $3.8 million for field rations, and $5.2 million for media campaigns. anti-war and $ 5 million for weapons at the request of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and other military and medical accessories.
Aid For Ukraine works by transferring cryptocurrency to the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, which converts cryptocurrency into Fiat currency, which is then withdrawn and transferred to the National Bank of Ukraine.